Bingham County



Richard Harris is the proud father of a girl baby which arrived Saturday. The Idaho Recorder (Salmon, Idaho) 1904 Dec 29

Mr and Mrs. Elmer Williams are the proud parents of a baby boy, born April 6th. All concerned are doing nicely. The Bingham County News (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 15

Mr and Mrs. Searle are the proud parents of a big baby boy born Friday night. Mother and baby are doing nicely. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 25

Mr and Mrs. E.l. Mastin are the proud parents of a baby girl. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 28

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Norton are the proud parents of a nine pound baby boy. The baby was born Monday, April 25, and the birthstone for this month being a diamond the clerks in Seeger-Bundle company presented the newcomer with a diamond ring. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 28

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emit Sundquist last Saturday. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

Contributed 2021 Oct 10 by Kim Bare


Married. E Stanley Park and Agnes Blackman, formerly of Blackfoot, were married Tuesday, April 12th, at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Blackman of 129 South Lincoln, Pocatello, Bishop Pond officiating.
After a few days in Pocatello, Mr. and Mrs. Park will leave for Hagerman on an extended visit. Idaho semi-weekly world (Idaho City, Idaho Territory) 1880 Dec 21

People here are ejaculating and expressing their congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Blackburm, who so surreptitiously slipped off and were married at Pocatello last Saturday. The have the best wishes of the community on the matrimonial career. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1919 Sep 26

Wright-Cooper. Last Saturday Susan Wright and J.F. Cooper quietly slipped down to Pocatello where they were married. The young couple returned to Blackfoot Monday evening and were the honored guests at a wedding dinner given by the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Wright.
The young couple will make their home on Mr. Cooper's ranch located north of this city.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

Thursday a marriage license was granted to George McHahon and Emma Elizabeth Morgan. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

A marriage license was granted to Walter O. Rhodes and Olive Bennett. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

Contributed 2021 Oct 10 by Kim Bare


Burns, Edith

Mrs Edith Burns died at her home 10 miles west of Blackfoot Thursday morning, April 21. Mrs. Burns was suffering from hemorrhage of the lungs when death relieved her. She is survived by her husband and 3 small children. The funeral services were held Saturday.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 28

Chappel, Mrs.

Mrs Edward Chappel, former resident of Grandview passed away at her home in Pingree Sunday. The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 25

Gray, Gordon

Auto Kills Boy on Highway Near Shelley Sunday.
Gordon Gray, 9 year old son of Mr. And Mrs. Lorin Gray of Blackfoot was killed instantly when he was struck by a car on the Shelley Rd South of Idaho Falls Sunday afternoon. The great family was en route to Blackfoot from Idaho Falls when the boys hat blew off. He went back to get it and was struck by a car owned by Willard Skougard. And trying to avoid hitting the boy tthe Skougard car was turned into the ditch and when the brakes were set the rear and skidded and overturned the car. In addition to Skougard, Joe Davis, C. L. Pearson, L. R. Reeves, Mrs. Cazier, and Miss Ellen Bundle were in the car, according to the information given to chief of police Carlson and corner C. E. Dinwoody.
The boy's head was horribly mangled and his body was severely bruised. A coroner's inquest was held to investigate into the accident. Mrs. Gray is a sister of T. R. Smith who was killed at the paving plant south of town last fall.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

Hull, Peter

The funeral of Peter Hull was held on Tuesday afternoon in the First ward church.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

Marke, Joe

Joe Marke died at the Blackfoot General Hospital Saturday night at 10 o'clock. The deceased was the 16 year old son of Louis Marke of Pingree. The boy's father was handling a revolver Friday evening when it was accidently discharged and the bullet struck the boy in the stomach. He was brought to the hospital that evening, but was beyond medical. aid. The body was shipped to Salt Lake for burial.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 02

Pope, Emma (Gilbert)

Emma Gilbert, wife of Thomas Pope, died at her home in this city December 23, 1904. Death came from uremia. She had been ill for some time past, and under the care of physicians.
Mrs. Pope was born at Fairfield, Iowa July 12, 1861, and came to Lemhi County, Idaho in 1882. She was married to Thomas Pope July 26, 1882. She leaves a husbnd and five step-children to mourn her loss, Mrs. Dora McClellen of Spokane, Washington, Thomas Pope, of Jackson Montana, Mrs. Ella McPhearson, Mrs Grace Waters, and Horace Pope of this city, her father, George Gilbert, and one sister in Colorado, on sister in French Camp, California, one sister in Nebraska, oen brother in Kansas, one brother and one sister residence unknown.
She was a member of the 1st Presbyterian church of Salmon and a charter member of Anna Rebekah Lodge No. 14. I.O.O.F and also a member of the W.R.C. No 8.
A husband loves a loving wife. Her neighbors will miss her becasue of her many good deeds, for she wennt about doing good in her own quiet way. Her church loses one of its charter members one who in her every day life was a faithful, consistent Christian.
Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church Monday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. F. B. Bonner. Services at the cemetery being conducted by the Degree of Rebekah. Members of the Rocky Moungain Lodge No 5, I.O.O.F. attended in a body.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1904 Dec 29

Roy, Frances (Jeffers)

Frances Jeffers was born in Ohio, April 7, 1838 and was married June 17, 1855, to Levi P. Roy at Troy, Mo, where she resided until 1857, when she moved to Kirksville, Mo. In 1880 she moved to Holt county, Nebraska. She lived there until 1908 at that time she came to Blackfoot, where she has since made her home. There was born to them 11 children, 2 girls and 9 boys of which there are 8 living, 3 sons and 1 daughter. (Who taught this reporter math???) Mrs. Alice Conkle of Blackfoot, Mrs. Sarah Pinkerman of O'Neil, Nebraska, Charles M Roy of Alterta, Canada; T.E. Roy of McAllen, Texas.
Mrs. Roy was converted to the Methodist church in the year of 1857, at Kirksville, Mo, her husband joining the church at the same time and she has been a faithful Christian ever since, looking for a better and brighter home with her blessed Redeemer.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 Apr 25

Simons, H. E.

H.E. Simons, vice president of the General Machinery company, died at Spokane following injuries received in an automobile accident.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 05

Unknown, girl

Mrs. Joseph Decker, Mettie Leavett and Hortense Richardson went to Lava Hot Springs to attend the funeral of their sister's little girl who died from poisoning.
The Idaho Republican (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1921 May 02

Contributed 2021 Oct 10 by Kim Bare

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